The 12 Steps and The Bible - Together, Step by Step


The spiritual concepts behind the Twelve Steps appear throughout the Bible.  Here is a small sampling of passages that support each Step.  As you read through them, think of them less as "proof texts" and more as "connecting links" between
the Steps and the Scriptures, between recover and faith.

 Recovery Devotional Bible (NIV) - Verne Becker



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This site was created with information sourced by my favorite teachers, speakers, and of those whom I enjoy learning from.  I have not requested for nor have been given approval to use.  Only hoping that this will also draw you closer to a relationship with God (our Heavenly Father), Jesus (our Lord and Savior), and being filled with the Holy Spirit (our constant companion and guide).  Links have been provided to the respective site and source where you can get additional or more detailed lessons to go deeper in your relationship with God and for your growth as a Christian.