Photograph provided by Jared Chambers

Jesus can make a difference in your life - if you give Him the opportunity to do so.  Whether you are a believer or not yet, these are little anecdotes, lessons, insights and experiences that reflect our pasts, present and future.

Every day with jesus

Forty Years of Favorite Devotions
by Pastor Greg Laurie, Harvest Ministries

Walking with the living Son of GOD through the ups and downs and ins and outs of daily circumstances doesn't just add value to life, it completely transforms it.

In the pages of GOD's Word, we begin to grasp an eternal perspective that changes everything we experience. It isn't like getting a new pair of glasses, it's like getting a new pair of eyes.

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Welcome to the Recovery Devotional Bible, a unique tool for those of us who are "recovering" from addictive, compulsive or codependent behavior patterns.  It is designed to enhance our recovery work by integrating the test of the Bible with the Twelve Steps, the set principles used by programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Adult Children of Alcoholics, and Codependents Anonymous. The features inserted in this Bible -- Meditations, Life Connections, Book Introductions and Step Markers -- highlight the spiritual parallels between the Twelve Steps and the Bible.

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Morning & Evening

by charles h. spurgeon, revised and updated by alistair begg

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Leadership and Outcomes

lessons from The books of 1st and 2nd kings

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