Putting the pieces together
don’t be that lost/missing piece…
Deliverance Promised
12 “I will surely gather all of you, Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people.
13 The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.” ~micah 2:12-13~
though we sin, we are also forgiven. though we lose our way, we are welcomed back if we turn from our wicked ways. as lost sheep, we need only to listen to The Shepherd’s voice to recognize where to go, to follow.
sometimes we are too hard head. as micah 1 & 2 talks about - our sins, our transgressions, keeps us far from Him. as Our Creator looks down at His creation and wonder’s what had gone wrong with what was once perfect in His eyes. He sees pain, suffering, and evil, all brought on by ourselves and the lives we are living. no repentance, only arrogance, selfishness, faithless lives.
as it comes down to the ending of micah 2, it describes what we read in the new testament, in the book of revelation, the 4 gospels, etc: that our broken world would have a Savior to redeem and save us. 12 & 13 speaks of Jesus, our coming King, who will gather us together, those that follow and love Him, and will go before us, leading us once again. no longer wandering aimlessly - we have a home to go to and that is our final destination.
wait on His return, don’t deviate from the path that was created for me and my family. do not live a life of debauchery and lawlessness. focus on Heaven, where all believers will worship, honor, and praise our God, our King, our Lord and Savior.
help my family and i to through the trails and tribulations of life. to not turn from you Lord, to hold on to the truth that you will return one day and lead us back home. we look forward to that day to come. maranantha, come Lord Jesus, come, you are welcome in this place, our home. in your matchless name i pray, amen!