Learn or lose, it’s your choice


Are you up too stupid for your own good…

4 'Will those who do evil never learn? They eat up my people like bread and wouldn’t think of praying to the Lord. 5 Terror will grip them, for God is with those who obey him. 6 The wicked frustrate the plans of the oppressed, but the Lord will protect his people.' Psalms 14:4-6

to better understand these verses:

14:4 The custom of eating bread without calling upon Jehovah was also mentioned by Paul in Romans in Romans 1:21, where the very beginning of mankind's hardening was lodged in their refusal to "Give God thanks." "The beginning of all wickedness is "eating bread and not calling upon Jehovah," as stated here. (~the study light~)

14:6 that they may work against the poor, but God has a refuge for them that cannot be breached. They are fighting against God and will never succeed.
Spurgeon used this verse to consider the ways that Christians should stand strong though they are shamed and mocked by the workers of iniquity. If they can sneer you out of your religion, you have not got any worth having. Remember you can be laughed into hell, but you can never be laughed out of it.” (~enduring word~)

only as a very young child would i say that i was unaware about God, so giving Him thanks as we/i do now was pretty foreign to me. in these verses it talks about those who do have an understanding or know who God is and still they choose to not believe (atheism) despite the evidence; they eat what was given/provided for them (or if you want to drill it down - taught how to make) or they learned to make, and they still not giving praise to the One who did.

The one who delights in the Lord does not doubt God even as they go through the uncertain days of life or even if they see no light ahead, because they hold on to God. ~nothing but to inspire media~

i’m not immune to being frustrated and even angry when i hear people make fun of Christianity, that God/Jesus is not real, we are stupid for believing in “made up stories”, that we are weak-minded for believing that The Bible is The Word of God, having “faith” in an invisible "God” is a crutch and that i’m less of a person because i do. simply need to recognize that if i allow myself to be upset, the devil has already planted a seed and i’m allowing it to grow instead of letting go and letting God.

what is so comforting is, “God will protect His people,” that despite being made fun of what we believe (leftists/atheists/media), in whom we believe in, Our Lord is there to cover us. we don’t have to hide, we don’t have to be ashamed, He, alone, fights our battles and we simply need to only trust and believe that He does, that He will.

dear Heavenly Father, thank you that we do have you to protect us from the evil one. please help me to release my fears, disappointments, and anger in any situation that i’m dealing with. may my faith be test in order to grow deeper and stronger with my walk with you Lord. please help me to never forget that you, alone, provide and protect. i love you, teach my family to know who you are and love you too. in your precious and unmatched name, Jesus, i pray, amen!