Justin & State’s Small Group
The purpose of this group is to be accountable to each other with our habits, hang ups, & hurts while growing deeper in our relationship with God, with Jesus, and each other.
Fundamentally to the church we want to:
Dig into our purpose in life
Show compassion to each other
Develop spiritually
Evolve relationally
Each person needs to commit to living out a lifestyle that is consistent to what the Bible, the Word of God, instructs us to. We must be honest to what our feelings are, what we are going through and dealing with, and what are we are going to do improve or correct what is troubling us, individually.
We will not judge nor criticize what each other say, but do expect each other to speak up when what is shared does not reflect the values of what we believe to be true. Disagreeing is completely different from being disparaging and disrespectful. Also, what is said in our group stays there to protect each other.
Grow deeper in our understanding of who God says we are and His plans for our lives.
Accountability - to ourselves and each other. It is easier together than to go at it alone.
describe each team member
Justin - Passionate; has a heart that serves others, the community, the NHHK family, and truly wants the best for everyone; gets things done when asked because people recognize the hard work, your ethics, your true desire to demonstrate the love of Christ in all that you do and say; your love for the ocean and being truly connected to God during those time you are in the water.
State - Empathetic; your constant concern and care for the welfare of others despite what is going on with your life; ability to understand what the other person is going through, may be feeling, despite that they may be hiding their true feelings; never being prejudicial in your judgements toward them even if you may fundamentally disagree with what they say or believe. Jesus understood very well what caring for others is like because He lived it, so are you and that allows you to provide support to others due to it.
Eric - Courageous; working in an environment where there is uncertainty on whether the school and administration is doing everything they can to protect the kids you serve; skepticism over the plans to have the kids return or if what is laid out will work; the commitment of time and energy to get everything prepared, then executed, all the while trying to be the best husband, father, son, & friend; fighting through to keep your sanity - family time, exercising your mind and body, while still making it to Wednesday’s group; your positive attitude despite the difficulties allow others to see Jesus/God through you.
David - Compassionate; being a healthcare professional provides a venue where you can demonstrate the same love that you have been shown by Jesus daily; loving on people all the while having to be concerned whether you will run into contact with someone who may be ill; learning to love yourself, your wife through the difficult times; being able to relate to someone who may be going through similar challenges at home because you have walked in their shoes and are able to help them navigate - similar to you providing a diagnosis and treatment for what ails your patients.
Freddy - Sincere/Diligent; definitely appreciate you being real and showing us your vulnerable side; ability to differentiate who you are versus what you are going through; honest dialogue of the challenges of being the breadwinner, father, husband and how you are handling it; wanting to truly find a way to serve your wife while also growing yourself. Finding ways to take the burden off your wife by taking the kids, recognizing that when she is less stressed you will be less stressed. Being mindful that this needs to be done daily and not just when you feel like it. Jesus modeled serving others with a sincere heart, the same can be seen in you around your family.
Josh - Persistent/Resourceful; you are definitely a fighter and have found ways to persevere despite the challenges and difficulties you have encountered while working on your sobriety; you never gave up when that would have simply been the easiest route to take; you humbled yourself and admitted that you were not clean when returning to the group - this takes a huge heaping of humility; even though life is not perfect, you found the time to spend with your son, even buying him a game console controller so that he can enjoy himself while he is with you. The fact that you are making the effort to correct that part as well speaks to the determination and willingness to do what it takes to get yourself back on track, onto the path that God has created for you. Please don’t give up and keep moving forward.